Saturday 19 May 2007

I've been tagged

Gill tagged me the other day for 7 weird things about myself. I have had a hard think and these are all I can come up with!

1. I have hairy toes! Wow I can't believe I am telling this. Yes proper hairy they are - or should I say would be if I didn't attend to them. Ian calls them my hobbit feet!

2. Every weekday I travel down a windy NARROW country road and always meet at least one tractor and a great big school bus coming in t'other direction. And everytime I squeal like a loon.

3. I find it impossible I tell you to spy a magpie and not say 'good day to you Mr Magpie', it's something to do with old superstitions.

4. I like gardening, I think I am quite good at gardening, so why do I kill every houseplant that enters this home? Particularly bad when mother-in-law gives me so many!

5. I clog dance - nuf said.

6. I cry when I am angry, which totally gives off the wrong signals. When my ex-boss ripped me off I cried. He said "I am sorry that I have upset you" to which I replied "I am not upset - I am **%$*"** FURIOUS" (at which point he bolted for the door, and later that day I told the company what they could do with my job). This is connected to the final point

7. I had half a lung removed on the 25th May 2005. This was due to a really really rare tumour (10 per 60 million), and no folks, I have never smoked! Best bit is that the surgeon gave me a DVD of the op (taken from the inside of my chest cavity) which I sat and watched with a huge bowl of strawberries and cream.

To go with this post is one more little 'strange' thing. As I said previously I love gardening. Well our house is built on an old 'inhedge'. This was an enclosure where the drovers penned their flocks when halting overnight. Whenever I dig I always find bits and shards of clay pipes which I HAVE to collect, wash and save (don't ask me why?). I like to imagine the chaps in their rustic clothing, checking their stock before turning in for the night, perhaps breaking a pipe and throwing it to the ground, for me to pick up again a couple of hundred of years later.


  1. How fascinating about the little pipes! I would just have goosebumps when thinking about the history of my house. I can totally relate to #6 -- it makes me even madder when I cry and I really don't want to. And #7 makes me smile -- can just imagine you watching with your strawberries and cream. I do hope all is well now...

  2. Oh! I just love the bit about the pipe shards! That is wonderful! I'd save every bit and piece, too! As for the dvd of your op, you obviously have a MUCH stronger stomach than I! =)

  3. You are a brave woman I don't think I could have watched a DVD of that op!

  4. I'm with Carolyn on this. I have trouble watching surgeries of other people on TV, I could never watch one that was done on me!!!!

    I can sometimes cry when I'm angry as well so I can relate to that one.

  5. Well the story about the pipes is fascinating but the DVD of your op.....that's in another league. How brave you were to watch it. Good health wishes to you. Mary

  6. Oh I would collect the pipes too and, like you, would try to imagine who they belonged to etc. I also greet magpies either bidding them 'Good Morning' or 'Good afternoon Mr Magpie'. You must have a strong stomach to watch that dvd - I wish you good health. By the way I have finished 'Precious Bane' - it was wonderful, one of my all time favourites. I cried and I smiled whilst reading it and now am disappointed I have finished it.
